Sunday, June 28, 2009

In yOur Judgement....

Have you ever pondered just a word? I mean really just sat down and thought about the meaning of one word?

I have been doing some deep thinking lately. Lately I have been thinking about the word Judgment. What does it mean to judge something? Good or even bad, what does that mean to you?

We can judge things for many reasons, whatever we are judging doesn't resonate with us well, ie, the car is dirty or the weather is cold, I feel sick, I feel excited.

We can also judge things in a positive light, ie, you look pretty, the flowers smell nice, my haircut is great.

We judge other people, she is overweight, he is handsome, they are a cute couple, hes angry, shes smart. How about, I just wish you could see things from my perspective!

We even judge ourselves... I didn't hold that yoga pose long enough, I should have been kinder, I should stop drinking, smoking, (fill in the blank), I love the way these clothes fit me, I did so well working out at the gym today.

All these things and many many more are judgments that we make each and every day about ourselves, others, things, places and even ideas. The culture that we have grown up in is full of judgments, from the moment we are first born,,, our parents swoon over us,,, "Ahh what an adorable baby!!, She is so smart, so happy, so cute!"

Now I'm not downing judgments here, nope, that would put me in a judging spot to do that, right?

I am just trying to open some ideas in your mind that may not have been present before. I have been playing a game with myself lately, and trying to stay out of judgment with myself, and when I catch myself making a judgment, lovingly remind myself not to judge and just be with whatever it is that I was going to pass judgment on. It sounds easier then it really is. Judgment is so embedded into our consciousness that we do it on a totally unconscious level most of the time.

Soooo, I propose to you to take a day (or a few hours out of your day) and try to be in a state of non-judgment. Just try it, and remember when you come out of it, as you likely will, guide yourself back into the place of just BE-ing with whatever it is that you felt like judging, and the trick is, don't be hard on yourself for slipping, as that too would be a judgment, right?

Thoughts, ideas, non-judgments welcome! ;)

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Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Starlene, thanks for visiting my blog!

I like to write about different metaphysical topics such as astrology, reiki, love, gemstone & crystals, how to live an inspired life and other spiritual topics. I own several websites that you can check out under the links to the side of the blog.
I am a full time self-taught entrepreneur. I teach Reiki, offer intuitive readings, an a professional astrologer, I give astrological consultations. I am a metaphysical gemologist and a jewelery designer.

I also have a radio show about these kinds of things that you can tune in to! Basically my work online is similar to one of those crystal-metaphysical shops that you find around town, only I do it all online!

Feel free to comment on my blog and or contact me if you have any questions about the things I write about. I am not an expert on everything but I do know a lot of things about many subjects. It has been my passion in life to explore and understand the metaphysical world and in doing so I share some of what I have learned through this blog!

Welcome and Namaste, Starlene Breiter RMT