Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mindful Meditation

Here is a cool Mindful Meditation that I like to incorporate into my day. I love taking time do be mindful and organize myself, it just makes things seem to flow better when I do :)

Blessings, Rev. Starlene Breiter RMT

Make a list of the most important activities you need to complete each day to be successful. Now visualize yourself being mindful during the carrying out of each activity. Close your eyes and see yourself entering into a state of mindfulness as you undertake and complete the most important projects.

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Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Starlene, thanks for visiting my blog!

I like to write about different metaphysical topics such as astrology, reiki, love, gemstone & crystals, how to live an inspired life and other spiritual topics. I own several websites that you can check out under the links to the side of the blog.
I am a full time self-taught entrepreneur. I teach Reiki, offer intuitive readings, an a professional astrologer, I give astrological consultations. I am a metaphysical gemologist and a jewelery designer.

I also have a radio show about these kinds of things that you can tune in to! Basically my work online is similar to one of those crystal-metaphysical shops that you find around town, only I do it all online!

Feel free to comment on my blog and or contact me if you have any questions about the things I write about. I am not an expert on everything but I do know a lot of things about many subjects. It has been my passion in life to explore and understand the metaphysical world and in doing so I share some of what I have learned through this blog!

Welcome and Namaste, Starlene Breiter RMT