Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What is your birthflower?

Birth Flowers

The month of our birth has many associations. Just as each month has a birthstone, each month also has a birth flower. Each birth flower also has a special symbolic meaning that results from the flower’s specific type and color.

Begun as a means of celebrating the season in which a child was born, birth flowers were an important tradition for welcoming a child as a gift rich in the texture of the time of year. Birth flowers are as diverse as the months themselves and offer an excellent opportunity to celebrate a birthday in a unique way.

Each birth flower is also rich in its own symbolic meaning, with each fresh flower bouquet steeped in history and tradition. Poems, stories, and paintings have all combined to create a lush arrangement of birth flower meanings, all of which celebrate the very special gift of a birthday.

The January birth flower is the carnationLike the slow beauty of winter, the carnation reveals its color with a subtle grace and rewards close, attentive viewing. The carnation is a rich and fragrant flower, a sensual feast perfect for birthdays during this winter month.

The February birth flower is the IrisThe deep, warm color of the iris foreshadows the luxuries of spring. A February birthday also portends warmth and prosperity, making these two an excellent match. Match a lucky February birthday with this slender, magnificent flower.

The March birth flower is the DaffodilThe appearance of daffodils in the spring has long been associated with rays of sunshine emanating from the ground, bringing color, comfort, and beauty back to the world. March birthdays also add comfort and beauty to our lives, so celebrate this month with the daffodil’s fragrant sunshine blossom.

The April birth flower is the DaisyThe modest, unassuming beauty of the daisy has a playful, childlike character that brings joy and happiness wherever it arrives. The many colored options of the daisy provide ample opportunity to match this lovely flower to a specific personality. No other flower can match the daisy for pure joy.

The May birth flower is the LilyThe subtle, majestic lily holds its delicate white blossoms snugly between its strong, broad leaves. This flower represents the both the strength and wild beauty in May birthdays. A fresh bouquet of lilies is a magnificent way to send your best, birthday wishes.

The June birth flower is the RoseJune must be the month of love, as it has been paired with the flower of passion, the rose. Roses have many significant meanings depending on their color and the number of flowers in the bouquet. June birthdays are also known for their passion, making June and the rose a perfect match.

The July birth flower is LarkspurThe long, blossom filled stem of the larkspur has been chosen to represent July because their gorgeous and lush beauty fills summer meadows with an unmistakable color and fragrance. July birthdays are also known for their particular summer radiance.

The August birth flower is the GladiolaThe sword like blossoms of the gladiola are responsible for its name and also for its symbolic meaning of strength of character. August birthdays are also known for a strong sense of character and moral integrity. The gladiola also reminds us that strength of character and integrity can look gorgeous and be full of rich personality.

The September birth flower is the AsterThe dense petal formation of the beautiful aster allows its rich, deep color to radiate through with a lush, almost aquatic texture. This combination makes the aster the flower of magic and transcendence. September, the beginning of Autumn, is also a time of otherworldly transcendence, and September birthdays contain elements of seeing aspects of life often hidden from view.

The October birth flower is CalendulaThe brilliant and unusual calendula represents October birthdays because its broad, colorful flowers follow the path of the sun throughout the day, soaking up all remaining sunlight left in Autumn. October birthdays are also known for being warm, receptive people who are easy going and easy to talk to. Celebrate their one of a kind beauty with the one of a kind calendula.

The November birth flower is the ChrysnthemumThe bright butter yellow glow of the chrysanthemum brings joy, light, and cheer to the dwindling days of November. Chosen because of the cheer and joy November birthdays bring throughout the year, the chrysanthemum’s color and perseverance are a beacon of happiness.

The December birth flower is the NarcissusThe translucent white petals of the narcissus blossom bring the beauty and peace of a fresh snowfall indoors. The grace and sophistication of the narcissus bring a redemptive beauty to poor Narcissus, the mythological figure that fell in love with his own beauty and drowned kissing his reflection in a lake. Now, the narcissus represents peace and the possibility of renewal.


Anonymous said...

Lovely post!

Anonymous said...

oh cool. i knew mine, but i didn't know christian's or savannah's. very cool.

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Welcome and Namaste, Starlene Breiter RMT